"Department of Justice Cash Advance Debt Collection Lawsuit" Scams

Department of Justice Cash Advance Debt Collection Lawsuit Scams

Online users who have received so-called "Department of Justice Cash Advance Debt Collection Lawsuit" emails like the one below, which claim that they have been given a chance to settle an Advance Cash debt outside of court, should delete the email messages and not follow the instructions in them. This is because the email messages are fraudulent, and are being sent by scammers to trick the recipients into sending them money believing that they will be sued for money owed and their credit history tarnished.

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Sample of a "Department of Justice Cash Advance Debt Collection Lawsuit" Scam

Date: January 2, 2018 at 8:51:01 AM PST

Subject: Document's

Eric Marshall

DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Attorney General Office

Address -115 E Travis St #1716, San Antonio, TX 78205, USA

Phone- (210) 776-1176

DUE AMOUNT-$896.39

This is to inform you, that you are going to be legally prosecuted in the Court House within couple of days Your SSN is put on hold by US Federal Government so before the case if filed we would like to notify you about this matter.

It seems apparent that you have chosen to ignore all our efforts to contact you in order to resolve your debt with CASH ADVANCE (MOTHER PARENT COMPANY).

At this point you have made your intentions clear and have left us no choice but to protect our interest in this matter.






Now this means few things for you, if you are under any state probation or payroll we need you to inform your manager/Concerned HR department about what you have done in the past and what would be the consequences once the case has been

downloaded and executed in your name.

If we do not hear from you within 48 hours of the date on this letter, we will be compelled to seek legal representation from our company Attorney.

We reserve the right to commence litigation for intent to commit wire fraud under the pretense

of refusing to repay a debt committed to, by use of the internet.

In addition we reserve the right to seek recovery for the balance due, as well as legal fees and any court cost incurred.



And once you are found guilty into the court house, then you have to bear the entire cost for this law suit which totals to $4271.15

excluding loan amount, attorney's fee & the interest charges.

You have the right to hire an attorney.

If you don't have/can't afford one then the court will appoint one for you.

We believe that this was not your intent and that these steps are unnecessary.

We merely require you to contact our recovery asset location department



PHONE:(210) 776-1167

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May 15, 2021 at 12:31 PM by
"Department of Justice Cash Advance Debt Collection Lawsuit" Scams
an anonymous user from: Santa Clara, California, United States

Dear *** ***,

Address: (address associated with business but not with any credit cards or other debt instruments).

Find Your Warrant Copy: FDPCA-*** will be going to release.

This Legal Proceeding will be issued on your Docket Number DL-20731642 with one of Cash Advance Inc. Company to let know you that after making calls to you on your phone number we were not able to get hold of you. So, the account's department of Cash Advance has decided to mark this case as a flat refusal and press legal charges against you.


Loan Account No. -*** Dated December 19th, 2017

Amount Outstanding: $1200.00

We have sent you this warning notification about legal proceedings of May 07th, 2020, but you failed to respond on time. Now it’s high time if you failed to respond in next 24 hrs, we will register this case in court. Consider this as a final warning. And we will be Emailing/ Fax this issue to your current employer to make sure they take strict against you. Your salary wages will we garnished.

Do revert if you want to get rid of these legal consequences and make payment arrangement today or else, we would be proceeding legally against you and this notification will also send to your current employer. The opportunity to take care of this voluntary is quickly coming to an end. We would hate for you to lose the option of resolving this before it goes to the next step, which is a Lawsuit against you, but to do so you must take immediate action. You must submit a minimum payment of $300.00 today for hold your Case File.

You can email back to get the payment mode.


We force to go ahead legally against you and once it proceeds in the Court House, the creditor has entire rights to tell your employer and your references about this issue and the lawsuit will be the next step which will be amounting of $3589.27 and will be totally levied upon you and that would be excluding your attorney charges. If you take care of this out of court, then we will release the clearance certificate from the court, and we will make sure that no one will contact you in the future.

Kindly let us know what your intention about your case file so we can hold the case or else we will send the paperwork to your local county sheriff department and you will we served by court summons at your doorstep.

We informed you and we have more than 17 kinds of technical proof against you to prove that you are guilty and committed the following frauds.

1. Violation of Federal Banking Regulation.

2. Collateral Check Fraud

3. Theft by Deception

4. Electronic Fund Transfer Fraud.

Note: This notice provided to you for Cash Advance USA and its parent company, and their respective family of companies including Cash Advance, its parent company, Cash America International, Inc., and all their respective subsidiaries and affiliates, (after this... takes effect collectively called the “Cash Advance Related Companies,” “we,” “our,” or “us”). The Cash Advance Related Companies include, but are not limited to: Cash Advance, Cash America International, Inc., and all of their respective subsidiaries and affiliates, including those that work under the trade names Cash Advance, 100 Day Loan, Net loan USA, Fax free Cash, Payday one, Sonic Cash, Money tree, Egg loans, Check cash Loan, Quick Payday, Personal Cash Advance, Rapid Cash, Sonic Payday, Speedy Cash, My Cash Now, National Payday, Payday OK, Cash Central Loans, Cash Net 500,Cash Net USA, Allied Cash, Super Pawn, Check into Cash, Check Smart, Cash America, Cash America Pawn, Cash land, Super Pawn, Cash America Payday Advance, or any company-owned Mr. Payroll locations. “You” or “Your” means you as a participant in or as a user of the products and/or services offered by a Cash Advance Related Company.


Attorney Paul Anderson

Bureau of Defaulters agency ACS Incorporation

National Debt Solution

PO Box 105028

San Diego, CA 30348-5028

Cash Advance Debt Collector Department • 7850 Logo Del Mar Dr.Suite 118 •

San Diego • 92119 • California • USA

NOTE: - This message is confidential. It may also be privileged or otherwise protected by work product immunity or other legal rules, The information contained in this e-mail transmission is legally privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this transmission is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, copying, or other use of, including taking action in reliance upon, this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please Email us back.

Copy this message or disclose its contents to anyone. Please send us by Email any message containing deadlines as incoming e-mails are not screened for response deadlines, the integrity and security of this message cannot be guaranteed on the Internet.

Copyright©2021, Cash Net USA, LLC, All Rights Reserved.


April 8, 2021 at 11:59 PM by
"Department of Justice Cash Advance Debt Collection Lawsuit" Scams
an anonymous user from: Placer, Rocklin, California, United States

I got this one:

Find Your Warrant Copy: FDPCA-5246A60 will be going to release

This Legal Proceeding will be issued on your Docket Number DL-20731642 with one of Cash Advance Inc. Company to let know you that after making calls to you on your phone number we were not able to get hold of you. So, the account's department of Cash Advance has decided to mark this case as a flat refusal and press legal charges against you.


Loan Account No. 006698 Dated December 19th, 2017

Amount Outstanding: $1200.00

We have sent you this warning notification about legal proceedings of April 06th, 2020, but you failed to respond on time. Now it’s high time if you failed to respond in next 24 hrs, we will register this case in court. Consider this as a final warning. And we will be Emailing/ Fax this issue to your current employer to make sure they take strict against you. Your salary wages will we garnished.

Do revert if you want to get rid of these legal consequences and make payment arrangement today or else, we would be proceeding legally against you and this notification will also send to your current employer. The opportunity to take care of this voluntary is quickly coming to an end. We would hate for you to lose the option of resolving this before it goes to the next step, which is a Lawsuit against you, but to do so you must take immediate action. You must submit a minimum payment of $300.00 today for hold your Case File.

You can email back to get the payment mode.


We force to go ahead legally against you and once it proceed in the Court House, The creditor has entire rights to tell your employer and your references about this issue and the lawsuit will be the next step which will be amounting of $3589.27 and will be totally levied upon you and that would be excluding your attorney charges. If you take care of this out of court, then we will release the clearance certificate from the court, and we will make sure that no one will contact you in the future.

Kindly let us know what your intention about your case file so we can hold the case or else we will send the paperwork to your local county sheriff department and you will we served by court summons at your doorstep.

We informed you and we have more than 17 kinds of technical proof against you to prove that you are guilty and committed the following frauds.

1. Violation of Federal Banking Regulation.

2. Collateral Check Fraud

3. Theft by Deception

4. Electronic Fund Transfer Fraud.

Note: This notice provided to you for Cash Advance USA and its parent company, and their respective family of companies including Cash Advance, its parent company, Cash America International, Inc., and all of their respective subsidiaries and affiliates, (after this... takes effect collectively called the “Cash Advance Related Companies,” “we,” “our,” or “us”). The Cash Advance Related Companies include, but are not limited to: Cash Advance, Cash America International, Inc., and all of their respective subsidiaries and affiliates, including those that work under the trade names Cash Advance, 100 Day Loan, Net loan USA, Fax free Cash, Payday one, Sonic Cash, Money tree, Egg loans, Check cash Loan, Quick Payday, Personal Cash Advance, Rapid Cash, Sonic Payday, Speedy Cash, My Cash Now, National Payday, Payday OK, Cash Central Loans, Cash Net 500,Cash Net USA, Allied Cash, Super Pawn, Check into Cash, Check Smart, Cash America, Cash America Pawn, Cash land, Super Pawn, Cash America Payday Advance, or any company-owned Mr. Payroll locations. “You” or “Your” means you as a participant in or as a user of the products and/or services offered by a Cash Advance Related Company.


Attorney Paul Anderson

Bureau of Defaulters agency ACS Incorporation

National Debt Solution

PO Box 105028

San Diego, CA 30348-5028

Cash Advance Debt Collector Department • 7850 Logo Del Mar Dr.Suite 118 •

San Diego • 92119 • California • USA


May 31, 2018 at 5:31 PM by
"Department of Justice Cash Advance Debt Collection Lawsuit" Scams

Here is another:

"From: Attorney Jessica Carter <attorneyjessicacarter8@gmail.com>

Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2018 9:25:02 AM

Subject: Final Notice And Arrest Warrant

Tiffany Reneau


Find Your Warrant Copy: - JFA-09255864 which will be going to release again you.

This is the Last and Final chance for you.

These Legal Proceedings issued on your Docket Number MNB1343794 with one of Cash Net USA Inc. Company in order to notify you that after making calls to you on your phone number we were not able to get hold of you. So the accounts department of Cash Net USA has decided to mark this case as a flat refusal and press legal charges against you.

CASE NO: AD-FA-13549

Amount Outstanding: $ 954.86

we have sent you this warning notification about legal proceedings but you failed to respond on time now it’s high time if you failed to respond in next 4 HOURS we will register this case in court. Consider this as a final warning. And we will be Emailing/ Fax this issue to your current employer to make sure they take strict against you. Your salary wages will be garnished.

Do revert back if you want to get rid of these legal consequences and make a payment arrangement today or else we would be proceeding legally against you. And we apologize that this notification will also send to your current employer. The opportunity to take care of this voluntary is quickly coming to an end. We would hate for you to lose the option of resolving this before it goes to the next step which is a Lawsuit against you, but to do so you must take immediate action.

You can Email back to get the payment mode too.


We will be forced to proceed legally against you and once it is processed the creditor has entire rights to inform your employer and your references regarding this issue and the lawsuit will be the next step which will be amounting to $9300.00 and will be totally levied upon you and that would be excluding your attorney charges. If you take care of this out of court then we will release the clearance certificate from the court and we will make sure that no one will contact you in future.

Please let us know what your intention is by today itself so we can hold the case or else we will submit the paperwork to your local county sheriff department and you will be served by court summons at your doorstep.

We informed you and we have more than 17 kinds of technical proof against you to prove that you are guilty and committed the following frauds.

1. Violation of Federal Banking Regulation.

2. Collateral Check Fraud

3. Theft by Deception

4. Electronic Fund Transfer Fraud.


By electronically signing this Loan Agreement by clicking the "I AGREE" button below, you are confirming that you have agreed to the terms and conditions of the Consent and that you have downloaded or printed a copy of this Consent for your records.

Note: To make the payment you would have to contact our email address


Bureau of Defaulters Agency- Debt Collection Management

We are informing you that if we will not receive your payment then, unfortunately, we have to proceed further with the legal action against your name

Note: - If you ignore this email and failed to take care of this debt than all of your bank accounts will be seized through Major Credited Bureau within Seven Business Days that's why your co-operation will be appreciated.

Cash Advance Debt Collector Department


Cash Advance Debt Collector Department • 7850 Lago Del Mar Dr. Suite 118 • San Diego • 92119 • California • USA

This message is confidential. It may also be privileged or otherwise protected by work product immunity or other legal rules. If you have received it by mistake, please let us know by e-mail reply and delete it from your system; you may not copy this message or disclose its contents to anyone. Please send us by fax any message containing deadlines as incoming e-mails are not screened for response deadlines. The integrity and security of this message cannot be guaranteed on the Internet.

© 2017, National Debt Relief, All Rights Reserved."


May 29, 2018 at 5:38 PM by
"Department of Justice Cash Advance Debt Collection Lawsuit" Scams

Here is another scam:

- Forwarded Message -

From: "Daniel Smith" <daniel.smith_debtcollector1@outlook.com>

Sent: Tue, May 29, 2018 at 1:23 PM

Subject: Legal Notice And Arrest Warrant to AVIS

Hello AVIS,

Legal notification from Financial Crimes Enforcement Network regarding your outstanding pay day loan for $586.87. Where principal amount was $300.00. We are going to forward this case in court house with pressing three serious allegations. Within next 48hours, one of our paralegal officer and your local sheriff officer will contact you with paperwork, fraud evidence and warrant of arrest. If you have any intention to resolve this matter.

CASE FILE NUMBER:- DFG/93800342/2018

We have sent you this warning notification about legal proceedings of April 13th 2018, but you failed to respond on time now it’s high time if you failed to respond in next 48hours, we will register this case in court. Consider this as a final warning. And we will be Emailing/ Fax this issue to your current employer to make sure they take strict against you. Your salary wages will be garnished.

Do revert back if you want to get rid of these legal consequences and make a payment arrangement today or else we would be proceeding legally against you. And we apologies that this notification will also sent to your current employer. The opportunity to take care of this voluntary is quickly coming to an end. We would hate for you to lose the option of resolving this before it goes to the next step which is a Lawsuit against you, but to do so you must take immediate action.

You can Email back to get the payment mode too.

We will be forced to proceed legally against you and once it is processed the creditor has entire rights to inform your employer and your references regarding this issue and the lawsuit will be the next step which will be amounting to $5797.00 and will be totally levied upon you and that would be excluding your attorney charges. If you take care of this out of court then we will release the clearance certificate from the court and we will make sure that no one will contact you in future.

Please let us know what your intention is by today itself so we can hold the case or else we will submit the paperwork to your local county sheriff department and you will be served by court summons at your door step.

We informed you and we have more than 17 kinds of technical proof against you to prove that you are guilty and committed the following frauds.

1.Violation Of Federal Banking Regulation.

2. Collateral Check Fraud

3.Theft By Deception

4. Electronic Fund Transfer Fraud.

Note : This notice is provided to you on behalf of Cash Advance Inc. and its parent company, and their respective family of companies including Cash Advance, its parent company, Cash America International, Inc., and all of their respective subsidiaries and affiliates, (hereafter collectively referred to as the “Cash Advance Related Companies,” “we,” “our,” or “us”). The Cash Advance Related Companies include, but are not limited to: Cash Advance, Cash America International, Inc., and all of their respective subsidiaries and affiliates, including those that operate under the trade names Cash Advance, 100 Day Loan, Net loan USA, Fax free Cash, Payday one, Sonic Cash, Money tree, Egg loans, Check cash Loan, Quick Payday, Personal Cash Advance, Rapid Cash, Sonic Payday, Speedy Cash, My Cash Now, National Payday, Paycheck Today, Payday OK, Cash Central Loans, Cash Net 500,Cash Net USA, Allied Cash, Super Pawn, Check into Cash, Check Smart, Ez Money Cash America Net, Cash America, Cash America Pawn, Cash land, Super Pawn, Cash America Payday Advance, or any company-owned Mr. Payroll locations. “You” or “Your” means you as a participant in or as a user of the products and/or services offered by a Cash Advance Related Company.



By electronically signing this Loan Agreement by clicking the "I AGREE" button below, you are confirming that you have agreed to the terms and conditions of the Consent and that you have downloaded or printed a copy of this Consent for your records.

Note: To make the payment you would have to contact our email address.

John Anderson (Accounts Dept.)

Bureau Of Defaulters Agency- FTC Incorporation

We are informing you that if we will not receive your payment then unfortunately we have to proceed further with the legal action against your name

Note:- If you ignore this email and failed to take care of this debt than all of your bank account will be seized through Major Credited Bureau within Seven Business Days that's why your co-operation will be appreciated.

Thanks & Regards

Daniel Smith

Senior Investigation Officer (US).

(Department - Law & Enforcement)

Cash Advance Debt Collection


March 7, 2018 at 2:39 PM by
"Department of Justice Cash Advance Debt Collection Lawsuit" Scams
an anonymous user from: Little Rock, Arkansas, United States

I recieved an email today looks alot like that one same guy 2 different outlook emails, no phone number.

"CASE NO: FL 073/2015/3648 which will be going to release Tomorrow noon 3 pm in side your county court.


This is the last and final chance for you.

This Legal Proceedings issued on your Docket Number EVR-38924 with one of Cash Advance Inc. Company in order to notify you that after making calls to you on your phone number we were not able to get hold of you. So the accounts department of Cash Advance has decided to mark this case as a flat refusal and press legal charges against you.

We have sent you this warning notification about legal proceedings of January 8,2017 but you failed to respond on time now it’s high time if you failed to respond in next 12 HOURS we will register this case in court. Consider this as a final warning. And we will be Emailing/ Fax this issue to your current employer to make sure they take strict against you. Your salary wages will be garnished.

Do revert back if you want to get rid of these legal consequences and make a payment arrangement today or else we would be proceeding legally against you. And we apologies that this notification will also sent to your current employer. The opportunity to take care of this voluntary is quickly coming to an end. We would hate for you to lose the option of resolving this before it goes to the next step which is a Lawsuit against you, but to do so you must take immediate action.

We will be forced to proceed legally against you and once it is processed the creditor has entire rights to inform your employer and your references regarding this issue and the lawsuit will be the next step which will be amounting to $5484.00 and will be totally levied upon you and that would be excluding your attorney charges. If you take care of this out of court then we will release the clearance certificate from the court and we will make sure that no one will contact you in future.

Please let us know what your intention is by today itself so we can hold the case or else we will submit the paperwork to your local county sheriff department and you will be served by court summons at your door step.

Note : This notice is provided to you on behalf of Cash Advance Inc. and its parent company, and their respective family of companies including Cash Advance, its parent company, Cash America International, Inc., and all of their respective subsidiaries and affiliates, (hereafter collectively referred to as the “Cash Advance Related Companies,” “we,” “our,” or “us”). The Cash Advance Related Companies include, but are not limited to: Cash Advance, Cash America International, Inc., and all of their respective subsidiaries and affiliates, including those that operate under the trade names Cash Advance, 100 Day Loan, Net loan USA, Fax free Cash, Payday one, Sonic Cash, Money tree, Egg loans, Check cash Loan, Quick Payday, Personal Cash Advance, Rapid Cash, Sonic Payday, Speedy Cash, My Cash Now, National Payday, Pay check Today, Payday OK, Cash Central Loans, Cash Net 500,Cash Net USA, Allied Cash, Super Pawn, Check into Cash, Check Smart, Ez Money Cash America Net, Cash America, Cash America Pawn, Cash land, Super Pawn, Cash America Payday Advance, or any company-owned Mr. Payroll locations. “You” or “Your” means you as a participant in or as a user of the products and/or services offered by a Cash Advance Related Company.



By electronically signing this Loan Agreement by clicking the "I AGREE" button below, you are confirming that you have agreed to the terms and conditions of the Consent and that you have downloaded or printed a copy of this Consent for your records, So now company is not liable to send you anything.


Eric Marshall

Attorney at Law

44 court st suite 917


NY, 11201

Email it came from was attorneyjackmorrison88@outlook.com"


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Online Threat Alerts Security Tips

Pay the safest way

Credit cards are the safest way to pay for online purchases because you can dispute the charges if you never get the goods or services or if the offer was misrepresented. Federal law limits your liability to $50 if someone makes unauthorized charges to your account, and most credit card issuers will remove them completely if you report the problem promptly.

Guard your personal information

In any transaction you conduct, make sure to check with your state or local consumer protection agency and the Better Business Bureau (BBB) to see if the seller, charity, company, or organization is credible. Be especially wary if the entity is unfamiliar to you. Always call the number found on a website’s contact information to make sure the number legitimately belongs to the entity you are dealing with.

Be careful of the information you share

Never give out your codes, passwords or personal information, unless you are sure of who you're dealing with

Know who you’re dealing with

Crooks pretending to be from companies you do business with may call or send an email, claiming they need to verify your personal information. Don’t provide your credit card or bank account number unless you are actually paying for something and know who you are sending payment to. Your social security number should not be necessary unless you are applying for credit. Be especially suspicious if someone claiming to be from a company with whom you have an account asks for information that the business already has.

Check your accounts

Regularly check your account transactions and report any suspicious or unauthorised transactions.

Don’t believe promises of easy money

If someone claims that you can earn money with little or no work, get a loan or credit card even if you have bad credit, or make money on an investment with little or no risk, it’s probably a scam. Oftentimes, offers that seem too good to be true, actually are too good to be true.

Do not open email from people you don’t know

If you are unsure whether an email you received is legitimate, try contacting the sender directly via other means. Do not click on any links in an email unless you are sure it is safe.

Think before you click

If an email or text message looks suspicious, don’t open any attachments or click on the links.

Verify urgent requests or unsolicited emails, messages or phone calls before you respond

If you receive a message or a phone call asking for immediate action and don't know the sender, it could be a phishing message.

Be careful with links and new website addresses

Malicious website addresses may appear almost identical to legitimate sites. Scammers often use a slight variation in spelling or logo to lure you. Malicious links can also come from friends whose email has unknowingly been compromised, so be careful.

Secure your personal information

Before providing any personal information, such as your date of birth, Social Security number, account numbers, and passwords, be sure the website is secure.

Stay informed on the latest cyber threats

Keep yourself up to date on current scams by visiting this website daily.

Use Strong Passwords

Strong passwords are critical to online security.

Keep your software up to date and maintain preventative software programs

Keep all of your software applications up to date on your computers and mobile devices. Install software that provides antivirus, firewall, and email filter services.

Update the operating systems on your electronic devices

Make sure your operating systems (OSs) and applications are up to date on all of your electronic devices. Older and unpatched versions of OSs and software are the target of many hacks. Read the CISA security tip on Understanding Patches and Software Updates for more information.

What if You Got Scammed?

Stop Contact With The Scammer

Hang up the phone. Do not reply to emails, messages, or letters that the scammer sends. Do not make any more payments to the scammer. Beware of additional scammers who may contact you claiming they can help you get your lost money back.

Secure Your Finances

  • Report potentially compromised bank account, credit or debit card information to your financial institution(s) immediately. They may be able to cancel or reverse fraudulent transactions.
  • Notify the three major credit bureaus. They can add a fraud alert to warn potential credit grantors that you may be a victim of identity theft. You may also want to consider placing a free security freeze on your credit report. Doing so prevents lenders and others from accessing your credit report entirely, which will prevent them from extending credit:

Check Your Computer

If your computer was accessed or otherwise affected by a scam, check to make sure that your anti-virus is up-to-date and running and that your system is free of malware and keylogging software. You may also need to seek the help of a computer repair company. Consider utilizing the Better Business Bureau’s website to find a reputable company.

Change Your Account Passwords

Update your bank, credit card, social media, and email account passwords to try to limit further unauthorized access. Make sure to choose strong passwords when changing account passwords.

Report The Scam

Reporting helps protect others. While agencies can’t always track down perpetrators of crimes against scammers, they can utilize the information gathered to record patterns of abuse which may lead to action being taken against a company or industry.

Report your issue to the following agencies based on the nature of the scam:

  • Local Law Enforcement: Consumers are encouraged to report scams to their local police department or sheriff’s office, especially if you lost money or property or had your identity compromised.
  • Federal Trade Commission: Contact the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357) or use the Online Complaint Assistant to report various types of fraud, including counterfeit checks, lottery or sweepstakes scams, and more.
  • Identitytheft.gov: If someone is using your personal information, like your Social Security, credit card, or bank account number, to open new accounts, make purchases, or get a tax refund, report it at www.identitytheft.gov. This federal government site will also help you create your Identity Theft Report and a personal recovery plan based on your situation. Questions can be directed to 877-ID THEFT.

How To Recognize a Phishing Scam

Scammers use email or text messages to try to steal your passwords, account numbers, or Social Security numbers. If they get that information, they could get access to your email, bank, or other accounts. Or they could sell your information to other scammers. Scammers launch thousands of phishing attacks like these every day — and they’re often successful.

Scammers often update their tactics to keep up with the latest news or trends, but here are some common tactics used in phishing emails or text messages:

Phishing emails and text messages often tell a story to trick you into clicking on a link or opening an attachment. You might get an unexpected email or text message that looks like it’s from a company you know or trust, like a bank or a credit card or utility company. Or maybe it’s from an online payment website or app. The message could be from a scammer, who might

  • say they’ve noticed some suspicious activity or log-in attempts — they haven’t
  • claim there’s a problem with your account or your payment information — there isn’t
  • say you need to confirm some personal or financial information — you don’t
  • include an invoice you don’t recognize — it’s fake
  • want you to click on a link to make a payment — but the link has malware
  • say you’re eligible to register for a government refund — it’s a scam
  • offer a coupon for free stuff — it’s not real

About Online Threat Alerts (OTA)

Online Threat Alerts or OTA is an anti-cybercrime community that started in 2012. OTA alerts the public to cyber crimes and other web threats.

By alerting the public, we have prevented a lot of online users from getting scammed or becoming victims of cybercrimes.

With the ever-increasing number of people going online, it important to have a community like OTA that continuously alerts or protects those same people from cyber-criminals, scammers and hackers, who are every day finding new ways of carrying out their malicious activities.

Online users can help by reporting suspicious or malicious messages or websites to OTA. And, if they want to determine if a message or website is a threat or scam, they can use OTA's search engine to search for the website or parts of the message for information.

Help maintain Online Threat Alerts (OTA).

"Department of Justice Cash Advance Debt Collection Lawsuit" Scams